Spay & Neuter
At Trinity Veterinary Hospital, we strongly recommend spay & neuter for all pets to ensure they live a longer, healthier, and happier life with you.
Spay & Neuter Surgery in Greenville, NC
Two of the most routine and commonly performed surgeries in veterinary medicine are spays and neuters. These procedures are highly beneficial to cats and dogs alike, as it helps prevent serious diseases later in life and even curbs undesirable behaviors that can take a toll on your bond with your pet. At Trinity Veterinary Hospital, we strongly recommend surgery for all pets to ensure they live a longer, healthier, and happier life with you.
Benefits of Spay & Neuter Surgery
The benefits of surgery are both medical and behavioral, and include the following:
- No heat cycles for females
- Decreased aggression in males
- Reduced inclination toward mounting and urine-spraying for males
- Reduced desire to escape to find a mate for both males and females
- Decreased risk of developing prostate problems in males
- Eliminated risk of developing testicular cancer in males
- Decreased risk of developing mammary gland tumors in females
- Eliminated risk of developing uterine or ovarian cancers in females
Busting Spay and Neuter Myths
Myth 1: My pet's personality will change with surgery.
Nope, not true. While the surgery will help curb certain behaviors like mounting and aggression, it will do nothing to your pet’s bubbly personality!
Myth 2: My pet will gain weight after surgery.
While the surgery can slow your pet’s metabolism slightly, they won’t balloon out just because of the procedure. Too much food and too little exercise contribute to weight gain, so as long as your pet is on a healthy diet and gets plenty of exercise, they’ll remain fit and trim!
Myth 3: My female pet will be missing out if she doesn’t have at least one litter.
Myth 4: Spay/neuter surgery is too expensive.